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Supplementary files in wrong order

Posted by Malcolm_Fisher on 29 Sep 2015 at 15:56 GMT

While this paper was very interesting I had some trouble getting to the interactive PDF as most of the supplementary figures seem to have been mislabelled.

S3 is the interactive PDF rather than S7.
S4 is the PDF of collected serial sections rather than S8.
S5 has the contourless images from fig. 1 rather than S3.
S6 has the contourless images from fig. 2 rather than S4.
S7 has the contourless images from fig. 3 rather than S5.
S8 has the contourless images from fig. 4 rather than S6.

While it is annoying more than anything else it does mean almost every single supplementary file/figure is mislabelled.

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