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Artificial eyes for dogs

Posted by JSansom on 08 Jan 2021 at 09:40 GMT

Sadly similar experimental work has been previously undertaken and published in respected journals. This in my opinion is all the more reason to question the ethical judgement that underpins invasive experimental work on animals and to question why we allow it to continue.

I have worked in ophthalmology for over 25yrs.
I have never had an owner who has not gone ahead with an enucleation on the basis of the appearance of the animal after surgery (no prosthesis placed) or has been disappointed with the outcome.

I cannot see any justification for removing healthy eyes from healthy dogs, subjecting them to considerable suffering, pain, and visual impairment, followed by euthanasia, for the purposes of a cosmetic study that provides no benefits whatsoever to the individual animal or animals general.

Dogs do not require cosmetic implants.

The wider harms should also be considered not least subjecting dogs to a laboratory existence and supporting companies breeding dogs for this purpose.

I would ask the ophthalmologists involved to reconsider their justification and their reasoning.

This journal, the institution and those that provide funding for these invasive experimental procedures should also bear some moral responsibility for this research.

Sadly, it is well recognised that as we go through our careers we lose our empathy and we can become habituated to unacceptable practices.

As veterinary surgeons our duty of care is to ensure that the animals we are responsible for have a life that is worth living and worth living to them.

No competing interests declared.

RE: Artificial eyes for dogs

jkim854 replied to JSansom on 04 Mar 2022 at 07:52 GMT

If it wasn't for the previous social currency order, you might think it was real. luck
There are rumors that the palace is surrounded by Confucian scholars inside and outside.
It was a situation.

No competing interests declared.