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The Honeybee "Dance Language" (DL).

Posted by rosinbio on 25 Feb 2007 at 03:43 GMT

Honey bee foragers use a “waggle dance” to inform nestmates about direction and distance to locations of attractive food. The sound and air flows generated by dancer's wing and abdominal vibrations have been implicated as important cues, but the decoding mechanisms for these dance messages are poorly understood. To understand the neural mechanisms of honey bee dance communication, we analyzed the anatomy of antenna and Johnston's organ (JO) in the pedicel of the antenna, as well as the mechanical and neural response characteristics of antenna and JO to acoustic stimuli, respectively.

The findings reported in this study are quite interesting, but totally irrelevant to any honeybee "dance language" (DL), simply because the honeybee DL never existed.

Typing here is so maddeningly slow, that I cannot proceed. I shall try the "discussion".