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Dilutions used in the Study do not appear to be "homeophathic"

Posted by Dr_Achim_Bayer on 26 Mar 2015 at 09:12 GMT

Dear Sirs,

I would like to voice my concerns about the publication of this article in your journal.

The efficacy of "homeopathic" products in the narrow sense of the word has been tested many times and always shown to be identical to placebo.
Any result different than that would defy the laws of physics according to which the supposed agent of the homeopathic drug is factually absent in the drug. It would be a scientific sensation.

The products tested in the current study seem to contain a concentration of agents very well within the range common in conventional medicine, without any of the claimed peculiarly "homeopathic" effects.

This article is already being used internationally for making spurious claims in medicine.

I strongly suggest that you review your editorial decision to publish this article in the given form.

With my best regards,

Dr. Achim Bayer.

No competing interests declared.

RE: Dilutions used in the Study do not appear to be "homeophathic"

MattJHodgkinson replied to Dr_Achim_Bayer on 01 Apr 2015 at 11:58 GMT

As noted in another comment at the study did use homeopathic doses.

As a conventional medicine control, the fluoxetine doses of 20 mg per day are by design not homeopathic, but the methods state that for the homeopathic preparations, "Higher initial potencies were tried, only 30 C and 200 C were prescribed." 30 C is a 10^60 dilution, 200 C is a 10^400 dilution

Competing interests declared: I am a staff Senior Editor at PLOS ONE