About the Authors
- Laurie Thiesse
Roles Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing
Affiliation PPRS, Colmar, France
- Luc Staner
Roles Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation, Writing – review & editing
Affiliation Unité d’exploration des Rythmes Veille Sommeil, Centre Hospitalier de Rouffach, Rouffach, France
- Patrice Bourgin
Roles Methodology, Resources, Validation, Writing – review & editing
Affiliations Sleep Disorders Center & CIRCSom (International Research Center for ChronoSomnology), Strasbourg University Hospital, Strasbourg, France, Institute for Cellular and Integrative Neurosciences, CNRS UPR 3212, Strasbourg, France
- Henri Comtet
Roles Data curation, Resources, Writing – review & editing
Affiliations Sleep Disorders Center & CIRCSom (International Research Center for ChronoSomnology), Strasbourg University Hospital, Strasbourg, France, Institute for Cellular and Integrative Neurosciences, CNRS UPR 3212, Strasbourg, France
- Gil Fuchs
Roles Formal analysis, Methodology, Software, Validation, Writing – review & editing
Affiliation PPRS, Colmar, France
- Debora Kirscher
Roles Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Software, Writing – review & editing
Affiliation PPRS, Colmar, France
- Thomas Roth
Roles Methodology, Supervision, Writing – review & editing
Affiliation Sleep Disorders Center, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, United States of America
- Jean Yves Schaffhauser
Roles Funding acquisition, Project administration, Validation, Writing – review & editing
Affiliation PPRS, Colmar, France
- Jay B. Saoud
Roles Methodology, Supervision, Validation, Writing – review & editing
Affiliations PPRS Research Inc., Groton, Massachusetts, United States of America, PPDA, LLC, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America
- Antoine U. Viola
Roles Conceptualization, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Supervision, Validation, Writing – review & editing
* E-mail: avi@pprs-research.com
Affiliation PPRS, Colmar, France
Competing Interests
I have read the journal’s policy and the authors of this manuscript have the following competing interests: This study was supported by PPRS SAS. JYS and JBS are shareholders of PPRS SAS. LT, GF, DK and AUV, are employees of PPRS SAS. JBS is a payed consultant of PPRS Research lnc. JYS is shareholder of V-WATCH SA. PB, HC and LS are working in hospitals that have received monetary contribution for running the healthy study 2 and the OSA study. The remaining authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. This does not alter our adherence to PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials.