About the Authors

Yanbo Tang

Roles Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology

Affiliation Department of Gastroenterology, the First Affiliated Hospital, Guangxi Medical University, Nanning, China

Kevin T. Kline

Roles Data curation, Investigation, Writing – original draft

Affiliation Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Galveston, TX, United States of America

Xiaoying S. Zhong

Roles Data curation, Investigation, Methodology

Affiliation Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Galveston, TX, United States of America

Ying Xiao

Roles Data curation, Investigation, Methodology

Affiliations Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Galveston, TX, United States of America, Department of Gastroenterology, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha, China

Haifeng Lian

Roles Data curation, Investigation, Methodology

Affiliation Department of Gastroenterology, Binzhou Medical University Hospital, Binzhou, China

Jun Peng

Roles Conceptualization, Writing – review & editing

Affiliation Department of Pharmacology, Xiangya School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Central South University, Changsha, China

Xiaowei Liu

Roles Conceptualization, Writing – review & editing

Affiliation Department of Gastroenterology, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha, China

Don W. Powell

Roles Conceptualization, Writing – review & editing

Affiliation Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Galveston, TX, United States of America

Guodu Tang

Roles Conceptualization, Methodology, Resources, Writing – review & editing

tguodu02@126.com (GT); quli@utmb.edu (QL)

Affiliation Department of Gastroenterology, the First Affiliated Hospital, Guangxi Medical University, Nanning, China

Qingjie Li

Roles Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Funding acquisition, Methodology, Project administration, Supervision, Validation, Writing – review & editing

tguodu02@126.com (GT); quli@utmb.edu (QL)

Affiliation Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Galveston, TX, United States of America

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.