About the Authors

Adriëtte J. J. M. Oostvogels


Affiliation Department of Public Health, Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Wim B. Busschers

Affiliation Department of Public Health, Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Eline J. M. Spierings

Affiliation Department of Public Health, Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Tessa J. Roseboom

Affiliations Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Maaike G. J. Gademan

Affiliation Department of Public Health, Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Tanja G. M. Vrijkotte

Affiliation Department of Public Health, Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization: AO MG TV. Formal analysis: AO WB ES. Funding acquisition: TV. Methodology: AO WB MG TV. Supervision: TR TV. Writing – original draft: AO ES. Writing – review & editing: WB ES TR MG TV.