About the Authors

Esther M. A. Langen


Affiliations Department of Animal Behaviour, Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany, Department of Animals in Science and Society, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Nikolaus von Engelhardt

Affiliation Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, United Kingdom

Vivian C. Goerlich-Jansson

Affiliation Department of Animals in Science and Society, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization: VCGJ NvE EMAL. Formal analysis: EMAL NvE VCGJ. Funding acquisition: VCGJ. Investigation: EMAL VCGJ. Methodology: VCGJ NvE EMAL. Project administration: VCGJ. Resources: VCGJ NvE. Supervision: VCGJ NvE. Visualization: EMAL. Writing – original draft: EMAL. Writing – review & editing: EMAL VCGJ NvE.