About the Authors

Karina Wieczorek


Affiliation Department of Zoology, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland

Dorota Lachowska-Cierlik

Affiliation Department of Entomology, Institute of Zoology, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland

Łukasz Kajtoch

Affiliation Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland

Mariusz Kanturski

Affiliation Department of Zoology, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization: KW DLC ŁK. Funding acquisition: KW. Investigation: KW DLC ŁK MK. Project administration: KW. Resources: KW MK. Software: DLC ŁK. Supervision: KW. Validation: KW DLC ŁK. Visualization: KW DLC ŁK MK. Writing – original draft: KW DLC ŁK. Writing – review & editing: KW DLC ŁK MK.