About the Authors

Bhargab Kalita

Affiliation Division of Radioprotective Drug Development and Research, Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences, Brig.S.K Mazumdar Marg, Delhi, INDIA

Rajiv Ranjan

Affiliation Division of Radioprotective Drug Development and Research, Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences, Brig.S.K Mazumdar Marg, Delhi, INDIA

Abhinav Singh

Affiliation Division of Radioprotective Drug Development and Research, Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences, Brig.S.K Mazumdar Marg, Delhi, INDIA

M. H. Yashavarddhan

Affiliation Division of Radioprotective Drug Development and Research, Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences, Brig.S.K Mazumdar Marg, Delhi, INDIA

Sania Bajaj

Affiliation Division of Radioprotective Drug Development and Research, Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences, Brig.S.K Mazumdar Marg, Delhi, INDIA

Manju Lata Gupta


Affiliation Division of Radioprotective Drug Development and Research, Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences, Brig.S.K Mazumdar Marg, Delhi, INDIA

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization: BK MLG. Data curation: BK RR. Formal analysis: BK RR AS MHY SB. Funding acquisition: MLG. Investigation: BK MLG. Methodology: BK RR AS MHY SB. Project administration: MLG. Resources: MLG. Software: BK RR. Supervision: MLG. Validation: BK MLG. Visualization: BK RR AS MHY SB. Writing – original draft: BK MLG. Writing – review & editing: BK MLG.