About the Authors
- Alissa Mittnik
Contributed equally to this work with: Alissa Mittnik, Chuan-Chao Wang
* E-mail: mittnik@shh.mpg.de
Affiliations Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, D-07745, Jena, Germany, Institute for Archeological Sciences, University of Tübingen, D-72070, Tübingen, Germany
- Chuan-Chao Wang
Contributed equally to this work with: Alissa Mittnik, Chuan-Chao Wang
Affiliations Institute for Archeological Sciences, University of Tübingen, D-72070, Tübingen, Germany, Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, 02115, United States of America
- Jiří Svoboda
Affiliations Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kotlářská, 61137, Brno, Czech Republic, Institute of Archaeology, Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, 69129, Dolní Věstonice, Czech Republic
- Johannes Krause
Affiliations Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, D-07745, Jena, Germany, Institute for Archeological Sciences, University of Tübingen, D-72070, Tübingen, Germany
Competing Interests
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: JK. Formal analysis: AM CCW. Funding acquisition: JK. Investigation: AM. Methodology: CCW. Project administration: JK. Resources: JS JK. Software: CCW. Supervision: JK. Visualization: AM. Writing – original draft: AM CCW. Writing – review & editing: AM CCW JS JK.