About the Authors

Paul Sauleau


Affiliations “Behavior and Basal Ganglia” research unit (EA 4712), University of Rennes 1, Avenue Léon Bernard, Rennes, France, Department of Neurophysiology, Rennes University Hospital, rue Henri Le Guilloux, Rennes, France

Sophie Drapier

Affiliations “Behavior and Basal Ganglia” research unit (EA 4712), University of Rennes 1, Avenue Léon Bernard, Rennes, France, Department of Neurology, Rennes University Hospital, rue Henri Le Guilloux, Rennes, France

Joan Duprez

Affiliation “Behavior and Basal Ganglia” research unit (EA 4712), University of Rennes 1, Avenue Léon Bernard, Rennes, France

Jean-François Houvenaghel

Affiliations “Behavior and Basal Ganglia” research unit (EA 4712), University of Rennes 1, Avenue Léon Bernard, Rennes, France, Department of Neurology, Rennes University Hospital, rue Henri Le Guilloux, Rennes, France

Thibaut Dondaine

Affiliation “Behavior and Basal Ganglia” research unit (EA 4712), University of Rennes 1, Avenue Léon Bernard, Rennes, France

Claire Haegelen

Affiliations Department of Neurosurgery, Rennes University Hospital, rue Henri Le Guilloux, Rennes, France, “MediCIS” laboratory (UMR 1099 LTSI), INSERM, University of Rennes 1, Avenue Léon Bernard, Rennes, France

Dominique Drapier

Affiliations “Behavior and Basal Ganglia” research unit (EA 4712), University of Rennes 1, Avenue Léon Bernard, Rennes, France, Department of Psychiatry, Rennes University Hospital, avenue du Général Leclerc, Rennes, France

Pierre Jannin

Affiliation Department of Neurosurgery, Rennes University Hospital, rue Henri Le Guilloux, Rennes, France

Gabriel Robert

Affiliations “Behavior and Basal Ganglia” research unit (EA 4712), University of Rennes 1, Avenue Léon Bernard, Rennes, France, Department of Psychiatry, Rennes University Hospital, avenue du Général Leclerc, Rennes, France

Florence Le Jeune

Affiliations “Behavior and Basal Ganglia” research unit (EA 4712), University of Rennes 1, Avenue Léon Bernard, Rennes, France, Department of Oncology, Eugene Marquis Center, Avenue de la Bataille Flandres-Dunkerque, Rennes, France

Marc Vérin

Affiliations “Behavior and Basal Ganglia” research unit (EA 4712), University of Rennes 1, Avenue Léon Bernard, Rennes, France, Department of Neurology, Rennes University Hospital, rue Henri Le Guilloux, Rennes, France

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: PS MV. Performed the experiments: FLJ. Analyzed the data: PS MV JD. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: PS JD MV. Wrote the paper: SD JFH TD GR DD PJ CH.