About the Authors
- Petra Kralj Novak
* E-mail: Petra.Kralj.Novak@ijs.si (PKN); Igor.Mozetic@ijs.si (IM)
Affiliation Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Jasmina Smailović
Affiliation Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Borut Sluban
Affiliation Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Igor Mozetič
* E-mail: Petra.Kralj.Novak@ijs.si (PKN); Igor.Mozetic@ijs.si (IM)
Affiliation Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Competing Interests
The authors have the following interests: The sentiment annotations were supported by the Goldfinch platform, provided by Sowa Labs (http://www.sowalabs.com) for free. Most of the tweets (except English) were collected during a joint project with Gama System (http://www.gama-system.si), using their PerceptionAnalytics platform (http://www.perceptionanalytics.net). There are no patents, products in development or marketed products to declare. This does not alter the authors’ adherence to all the PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: PKN JS BS IM. Performed the experiments: PKN JS BS. Analyzed the data: PKN JS BS IM. Wrote the paper: IM BS JS PKN.