About the Authors
- Nitin V. Kolhe
* E-mail: nitin.kolhe@nhs.net
Affiliation Department of Renal Medicine, Royal Derby Hospital, Uttoxeter Road, Derby, DE22 3NE, United Kingdom
- David Staples
Affiliation Department of Acute Medicine, Royal Derby Hospital, Uttoxeter Road, Derby, DE22 3NE, United Kingdom
- Timothy Reilly
Affiliation Department of Information Management and Technology, Uttoxeter Road, Derby, DE22 3NE, United Kingdom
- Daniel Merrison
Affiliation Department of Information Management and Technology, Uttoxeter Road, Derby, DE22 3NE, United Kingdom
- Christopher W. Mcintyre
Current address: Lilibeth Caberto Kidney Clinical Research Unit, Room ELL-101, London Health Sciences Centre, Victoria Hospital, 800 Commissioners Rd E, London, Ontario, N6A5W9, Canada
Affiliations Department of Renal Medicine, Royal Derby Hospital, Uttoxeter Road, Derby, DE22 3NE, United Kingdom, Division of Medical Sciences and Graduate Entry Medicine, University of Nottingham, Uttoxeter Road, Derby, DE22 3NE, United Kingdom
- Richard J. Fluck
Affiliation Department of Renal Medicine, Royal Derby Hospital, Uttoxeter Road, Derby, DE22 3NE, United Kingdom
- Nicholas M. Selby
Affiliations Department of Renal Medicine, Royal Derby Hospital, Uttoxeter Road, Derby, DE22 3NE, United Kingdom, Division of Medical Sciences and Graduate Entry Medicine, University of Nottingham, Uttoxeter Road, Derby, DE22 3NE, United Kingdom
- Maarten W. Taal
Affiliations Department of Renal Medicine, Royal Derby Hospital, Uttoxeter Road, Derby, DE22 3NE, United Kingdom, Division of Medical Sciences and Graduate Entry Medicine, University of Nottingham, Uttoxeter Road, Derby, DE22 3NE, United Kingdom
Competing Interests
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: NVK CWM MWT. Performed the experiments: NVK DS NS MWT. Analyzed the data: NVK. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: DM TR. Wrote the paper: NVK DS RJF NS MWT. Data extraction: TR DM.