About the Authors

F. Javier Carreras


Affiliation Department of Surgery (Ophthalmology), Faculty of Medicine, University of Granada, Granada, Spain

Carlos J. Aranda

Affiliation Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology II, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Granada, Granada, Spain

David Porcel

Affiliation Center of Scientific Instrumentation, University of Granada, Granada, Spain

Francisco Rodriguez-Hurtado

Affiliation Division of Ophthalmology, Licinio de la Fuente University Hospital, Granada, Spain

Olga Martínez-Agustin

Affiliation Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology II, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Granada, and Networked Biomedical Research Center for Hepatic and Digestive Diseases (CIBEREHD), Granada, Spain

Antonio Zarzuelo

Affiliation Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Granada, and Networked Biomedical Research Center for Hepatic and Digestive Diseases (CIBEREHD), Granada, Spain

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: FJC. Performed the experiments: FJC DP CJA. Analyzed the data: FJC DP CJAC FRH OM AZ. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: FJC OM AZ. Wrote the paper: FJC OM.