About the Authors

Lin Xia

Affiliation Center for Molecular Metabolism, Nanjing University of Science & Technology, Nanjing, 210094, China

Shihong Ma

Affiliation Nanjing Institute for the Comprehensive Utilization of Wild Plant, Nanjing, 210042, China

Ying Zhang

Affiliation Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Jiangsu University School of Medicine, Zhenjiang, 212013, China

Tao Wang

Affiliation Center for Molecular Metabolism, Nanjing University of Science & Technology, Nanjing, 210094, China

Mengyi Zhou

Affiliation Center for Molecular Metabolism, Nanjing University of Science & Technology, Nanjing, 210094, China

Zhongqiu Wang

jfzhang@mail.njust.edu.cn (JZ); zhq2001us@163.com (ZW)

Affiliation Department of Radiology, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing, 210000, China

Jianfa Zhang

jfzhang@mail.njust.edu.cn (JZ); zhq2001us@163.com (ZW)

Affiliation Center for Molecular Metabolism, Nanjing University of Science & Technology, Nanjing, 210094, China

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: LX ZW JZ. Performed the experiments: LX SM YZ. Analyzed the data: LX TW ZW JZ. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: YZ MZ JZ. Wrote the paper: LX ZW JZ.