About the Authors

David Tiga Kangoye

Affiliation Centre National de Recherche et de Formation sur le Paludisme, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Issa Nebie

Affiliation Centre National de Recherche et de Formation sur le Paludisme, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Jean-Baptiste Yaro

Affiliation Centre National de Recherche et de Formation sur le Paludisme, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Siaka Debe

Affiliation Centre National de Recherche et de Formation sur le Paludisme, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Safiatou Traore

Affiliation Centre National de Recherche et de Formation sur le Paludisme, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Oumarou Ouedraogo

Affiliation Centre National de Recherche et de Formation sur le Paludisme, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Guillaume Sanou

Affiliation Centre National de Recherche et de Formation sur le Paludisme, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Issiaka Soulama

Affiliation Centre National de Recherche et de Formation sur le Paludisme, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Amidou Diarra

Affiliation Centre National de Recherche et de Formation sur le Paludisme, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Alfred Tiono

Affiliation Centre National de Recherche et de Formation sur le Paludisme, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Kevin Marsh

Affiliations Kenyan Medical Research Institute, Centre for Geographic Medicine Research (Coast), Kilifi, Kenya, Nuffield Department of Medicine, Centre for Clinical Vaccinology and Tropical Medicine, University of Oxford, Churchill Hospital, Oxford, United Kingdom

Sodiomon Bienvenu Sirima

Contributed equally to this work with: Sodiomon Bienvenu Sirima, Philip Bejon


Affiliation Centre National de Recherche et de Formation sur le Paludisme, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Philip Bejon

Contributed equally to this work with: Sodiomon Bienvenu Sirima, Philip Bejon

Affiliations Kenyan Medical Research Institute, Centre for Geographic Medicine Research (Coast), Kilifi, Kenya, Nuffield Department of Medicine, Centre for Clinical Vaccinology and Tropical Medicine, University of Oxford, Churchill Hospital, Oxford, United Kingdom

Competing Interests

The co-author Dr Philip Bejon has served as and is still an editorial member for PLOS ONE. This does not alter the authors’ adherence to PLOS ONE Editorial policies and criteria.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: IN AT SBS. Performed the experiments: DK JY SD ST OO GS. Analyzed the data: DK PB. Contributed to the writing of the manuscript: DK IN JY SD ST OO GS IS AD AT KM SBS PB.