About the Authors

Aderbal R. T. Silva

Contributed equally to this work with: Aderbal R. T. Silva, Ana Cecília Feio Santos

Affiliation Laboratory of Clinical Pathology - Laboratory of Medical Investigations 23 (LIM 23), Department and Institute of Psychiatry, University of São Paulo, Medical School, São Paulo, Brazil

Ana Cecília Feio Santos

Contributed equally to this work with: Aderbal R. T. Silva, Ana Cecília Feio Santos

Affiliation Laboratory of Clinical Pathology - Laboratory of Medical Investigations 23 (LIM 23), Department and Institute of Psychiatry, University of São Paulo, Medical School, São Paulo, Brazil

Jose M. Farfel

Affiliations Brazilian Brain Bank of the Aging Brain Study Group - Laboratory of Medical Investigations 22 (LIM 22), University of São Paulo, Medical School, São Paulo, Brazil, Division of Geriatrics, University of São Paulo, Medical School, São Paulo, Brazil

Lea T. Grinberg

Affiliations Brazilian Brain Bank of the Aging Brain Study Group - Laboratory of Medical Investigations 22 (LIM 22), University of São Paulo, Medical School, São Paulo, Brazil, Memory and Aging Center, Department of Neurology, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, California, United States of America

Renata E. L. Ferretti

Affiliations Brazilian Brain Bank of the Aging Brain Study Group - Laboratory of Medical Investigations 22 (LIM 22), University of São Paulo, Medical School, São Paulo, Brazil, Division of Geriatrics, University of São Paulo, Medical School, São Paulo, Brazil

Antonio Hugo Jose Froes Marques Campos

Affiliation Department of Pathology, A. C. Camargo Cancer Center, São Paulo, Brazil

Isabela Werneck Cunha

Affiliation Department of Pathology, A. C. Camargo Cancer Center, São Paulo, Brazil

Maria Dirlei Begnami

Affiliation Department of Pathology, A. C. Camargo Cancer Center, São Paulo, Brazil

Rafael M. Rocha

Affiliation Research Center (CIPE), A. C. Camargo Cancer Center, São Paulo, Brazil

Dirce M. Carraro

Affiliation Research Center (CIPE), A. C. Camargo Cancer Center, São Paulo, Brazil

Carlos Alberto de Bragança Pereira

Affiliation Mathematics and Statistics Institute, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Wilson Jacob-Filho

Affiliations Brazilian Brain Bank of the Aging Brain Study Group - Laboratory of Medical Investigations 22 (LIM 22), University of São Paulo, Medical School, São Paulo, Brazil, Division of Geriatrics, University of São Paulo, Medical School, São Paulo, Brazil

Helena Brentani


Affiliation Laboratory of Clinical Pathology - Laboratory of Medical Investigations 23 (LIM 23), Department and Institute of Psychiatry, University of São Paulo, Medical School, São Paulo, Brazil

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: ARTS ACFS HB JMF. Performed the experiments: ARTS ACFS. Analyzed the data: ARTS ACFS HB AHJFM IWC MDB CABP. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: LTG JMF RELF RMR DMC WJF CABP. Wrote the paper: ARTS ACFS HB.