About the Authors

Mark Bowler


Affiliations San Diego Zoo Global Institute for Conservation Research, Escondido, California, United States of America, School of Psychology, University of St Andrews, St. Andrews, Fife, Scotland

Matt Anderson

Affiliation San Diego Zoo Global Institute for Conservation Research, Escondido, California, United States of America

Daniel Montes

Affiliation Yavari: Conservación y Uso Sostenible (YAVACUS), Iquitos, Loreto, Perú

Pedro Pérez

Affiliation Yavari: Conservación y Uso Sostenible (YAVACUS), Iquitos, Loreto, Perú

Pedro Mayor

Affiliations Yavari: Conservación y Uso Sostenible (YAVACUS), Iquitos, Loreto, Perú, Departament de Sanitat i Anatomia Animals, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Spain

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: PM. Performed the experiments: PM. Analyzed the data: MB PM. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: PM MA. Wrote the paper: MB PM. Coordination with community participants in collecting samples and other data: PM PP DM.