About the Authors
- Xiang Wang
Contributed equally to this work with: Xiang Wang, Yan Dong
Affiliation Department of Neurosurgery, Changzheng Hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, China
- Yan Dong
Contributed equally to this work with: Xiang Wang, Yan Dong
Affiliations Department of Neurosurgery, Changzheng Hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, China, Neuroscience Center, Changzheng Hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, China
- Xi Han
Affiliation Department of Neurosurgery, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
- Xiang-Qian Qi
Affiliation Department of Neurosurgery, Changzheng Hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, China
- Cheng-Guang Huang
* E-mail: lj_hou@hotmail.com (LJH); huang64@163.com (CGH)
Affiliation Department of Neurosurgery, Changzheng Hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, China
- Li-Jun Hou
* E-mail: lj_hou@hotmail.com (LJH); huang64@163.com (CGH)
Affiliation Department of Neurosurgery, Changzheng Hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, China
Competing Interests
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: XW YD CGH LJH. Performed the experiments: XW YD XH XQQ. Analyzed the data: XW YD XQQ XH. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: XH CGH LJH. Wrote the paper: XW YD CGH LJH.