About the Authors

Stephen J. Walker


Affiliation Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Wake Forest University Health Sciences, Winston Salem, North Carolina, United States of America

John Fortunato

Affiliation Department of Pediatrics Section on Gastroenterology, Wake Forest University Health Sciences, Winston Salem, North Carolina, United States of America

Lenny G. Gonzalez

Affiliation Pediatric Gastroenterology Department, Dr. Miguel Perez Carreño Hospital, Caracas, Venezuela

Arthur Krigsman

Affiliation Pediatric Gastroenterology Resources of New York & Texas, Far Rockaway, New York, United States of America

Competing Interests

AK served as an expert witness in the role of treating pediatric gastroenterologist in the Autism Omnibus Hearings of 2007. AK has also served as expert witness on behalf of children with ASD associated bowel disease in Child Protective Services legal actions.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: AK SJW. Performed the experiments: SJW. Analyzed the data: AK LGG SJW. Wrote the paper: AK SJW. Provided clinical samples: AK JF. Created Figures and Tables: AK LGG SJW. Supervised research: AK SJW.