About the Authors

Maria Gabriella Melchiorre


Affiliation Centre of Socio-Economic Research on Ageing, Italian National Institute of Health and Science on Aging, I.N.R.C.A., Ancona, Italy

Carlos Chiatti

Affiliation Scientific Direction, Italian National Institute of Health and Science on Aging, I.N.R.C.A., Ancona, Italy

Giovanni Lamura

Affiliation Centre of Socio-Economic Research on Ageing, Italian National Institute of Health and Science on Aging, I.N.R.C.A., Ancona, Italy

Francisco Torres-Gonzales

Affiliation Centro de Investigación Biomedica en Red de Salud Mental (CIBERSAM), University of Granada, Granada, Spain

Mindaugas Stankunas

Affiliations School of Public Health, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, Department of Health Management, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania

Jutta Lindert

Affiliation Department of Public Health Science, Protestant University of Applied Sciences, Ludwigsburg, Germany

Elisabeth Ioannidi-Kapolou

Affiliation Department of Sociology, National School of Public Health, Athens, Greece

Henrique Barros

Affiliation Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Medical School, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal

Gloria Macassa

Affiliations Department of Public Health Sciences, Institution for Health Sciences, Mid Sweden University, Sundsvall, Sweden, Division of Social Medicine, Department of Public Health Sciences, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

Joaquim F. J. Soares

Affiliation Department of Public Health Sciences, Institution for Health Sciences, Mid Sweden University, Sundsvall, Sweden

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Revised article critically for important intellectual content: FTG MS JL EIK HB GM JS. Final approval of the version to be published: MM CC GL FTG MS JL EIK HB GM JS. Conceived and designed the experiments: MM CC GL FTG MS JL EIK HB GM JS. Performed the experiments: MM CC GL FTG MS JL EIK HB GM JS. Analyzed the data: MM CC GL JS. Wrote the paper: MM CC GL JS.