About the Authors
- Karine Berthelot
* E-mail: kberthelot@enscbp.fr (KB); peruch@enscbp.fr (FP)
Affiliation CNRS, LCPO, UMR 5629, Pessac, France
- Sophie Lecomte
Affiliation CNRS, CBMN, UMR 5248, Pessac, France
- Yannick Estevez
Affiliation CNRS, LCPO, UMR 5629, Pessac, France
- Bénédicte Coulary-Salin
Affiliation Univ. Bordeaux 2, CNRS, IBGC, UMR 5095, Bordeaux, France
- Ahmed Bentaleb
Affiliation CNRS, CRPP, UPR 8641, Pessac, France
- Christophe Cullin
Affiliation Univ. Bordeaux 2, CNRS, IBGC, UMR 5095, Bordeaux, France
- Alain Deffieux
Affiliation CNRS, LCPO, UMR 5629, Pessac, France
- Frédéric Peruch
* E-mail: kberthelot@enscbp.fr (KB); peruch@enscbp.fr (FP)
Affiliation CNRS, LCPO, UMR 5629, Pessac, France
Competing Interests
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: KB. Performed the experiments: KB SL BCS AB CC. Analyzed the data: KB SL YE BCS AB CC AD FP. Wrote the paper: KB. Funded and supervised the study: FP.