About the Authors

Clara Ruiz-González


Affiliation Department of Marine Biology, Institut de Ciències del Mar-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain

Martí Galí

Affiliation Department of Marine Biology, Institut de Ciències del Mar-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain

Eva Sintes

Affiliation Department of Marine Biology, Faculty Center of Ecology, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Gerhard J. Herndl

Affiliation Department of Marine Biology, Faculty Center of Ecology, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Josep M. Gasol

Affiliation Department of Marine Biology, Institut de Ciències del Mar-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain

Rafel Simó

Affiliation Department of Marine Biology, Institut de Ciències del Mar-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: RS CRG JMG. Performed the experiments: CRG MG. Analyzed the data: CRG ES GJH MG. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: RS JMG GJH. Wrote the paper: CRG.