About the Authors
- Abraham J. Miller-Rushing
Current address: National Park Service, Schoodic Education and Research Center and Acadia National Park, Winter Harbor, Maine, United States of America
Affiliation Department of Biology, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America
- Richard B. Primack
* E-mail: primack@bu.edu
Affiliation Department of Biology, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America
- Nathan Phillips
Affiliation Department of Geography and Environment, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America
- Robert K. Kaufmann
Affiliation Department of Geography and Environment, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America
Competing Interests
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: AJMR RBP NP RKK. Analyzed the data: AJMR RKK. Wrote the paper: AJMR RBP NP RKK.