About the Authors

Chad R. Laing

Affiliations Laboratory for Foodborne Zoonoses, Public Health Agency of Canada, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion, Ontario, Canada

Yongxiang Zhang

Affiliation Laboratory for Foodborne Zoonoses, Public Health Agency of Canada, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

Matthew W. Gilmour

Affiliation National Microbiology Laboratory, Public Health Agency of Canada, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Vanessa Allen

Affiliation Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion, Ontario, Canada

Roger Johnson

Affiliation Laboratory for Foodborne Zoonoses, Public Health Agency of Canada, Guelph, Ontario, Canada

James E. Thomas

Affiliation Department of Biological Sciences, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

Victor P. J. Gannon


Affiliation Laboratory for Foodborne Zoonoses, Public Health Agency of Canada, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: CRL JET VPJG. Performed the experiments: CRL YZ. Analyzed the data: CRL YZ VPJG. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: MWG VA RJ. Wrote the paper: CRL JET VPJG.