About the Authors
- Olivier Plantard
* E-mail: olivier.plantard@oniris-nantes.fr
Affiliations Biology, Epidemiology and Risk Analysis in Animal Health, (BioEpAR), INRA, UMR 1300, Nantes, France, LUNAM Université, Oniris, Nantes, France
- Agnès Bouju-Albert
Affiliations Biology, Epidemiology and Risk Analysis in Animal Health, (BioEpAR), INRA, UMR 1300, Nantes, France, LUNAM Université, Oniris, Nantes, France
- Marie-Astrid Malard
Affiliations Biology, Epidemiology and Risk Analysis in Animal Health, (BioEpAR), INRA, UMR 1300, Nantes, France, LUNAM Université, Oniris, Nantes, France
- Axelle Hermouet
Affiliations Biology, Epidemiology and Risk Analysis in Animal Health, (BioEpAR), INRA, UMR 1300, Nantes, France, LUNAM Université, Oniris, Nantes, France
- Gilles Capron
Affiliation ONCFS, DIR Poitou-Charentes-Limousin, Paris, France
- Hélène Verheyden
Affiliation Comportement et Ecologie de la Faune Sauvage (CEFS), INRA, UR 035, Castanet-Tolosan, France
Competing Interests
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: OP. Performed the experiments: OP ABA MAM AH. Analyzed the data: OP. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: OP ABA MAM AH GC HV. Wrote the paper: OP. Revised the article critically: HV.