About the Authors

Olivier Plantard


Affiliations Biology, Epidemiology and Risk Analysis in Animal Health, (BioEpAR), INRA, UMR 1300, Nantes, France, LUNAM Université, Oniris, Nantes, France

Agnès Bouju-Albert

Affiliations Biology, Epidemiology and Risk Analysis in Animal Health, (BioEpAR), INRA, UMR 1300, Nantes, France, LUNAM Université, Oniris, Nantes, France

Marie-Astrid Malard

Affiliations Biology, Epidemiology and Risk Analysis in Animal Health, (BioEpAR), INRA, UMR 1300, Nantes, France, LUNAM Université, Oniris, Nantes, France

Axelle Hermouet

Affiliations Biology, Epidemiology and Risk Analysis in Animal Health, (BioEpAR), INRA, UMR 1300, Nantes, France, LUNAM Université, Oniris, Nantes, France

Gilles Capron

Affiliation ONCFS, DIR Poitou-Charentes-Limousin, Paris, France

Hélène Verheyden

Affiliation Comportement et Ecologie de la Faune Sauvage (CEFS), INRA, UR 035, Castanet-Tolosan, France

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: OP. Performed the experiments: OP ABA MAM AH. Analyzed the data: OP. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: OP ABA MAM AH GC HV. Wrote the paper: OP. Revised the article critically: HV.