About the Authors

Nathalie Court

Affiliations University of Orléans Molecular Immunology and Embryology, Orléans, France, CNRS UMR6218, Orléans, France

Stéphanie Rose

Affiliations University of Orléans Molecular Immunology and Embryology, Orléans, France, CNRS UMR6218, Orléans, France

Marie-Laure Bourigault

Affiliations University of Orléans Molecular Immunology and Embryology, Orléans, France, CNRS UMR6218, Orléans, France

Sophie Front

Affiliations University of Orléans Molecular Immunology and Embryology, Orléans, France, CNRS UMR6218, Orléans, France

Olivier R. Martin

Affiliations University of Orléans Institut de Chimie Organique et Analytique, Orléans, France, CNRS UMR6005, Orléans, France

Jennifer K. Dowling

Affiliation School of Biochemistry and Immunology, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Elaine F. Kenny

Affiliation School of Biochemistry and Immunology, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Luke O'Neill

Affiliation School of Biochemistry and Immunology, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

François Erard

Affiliations University of Orléans Molecular Immunology and Embryology, Orléans, France, CNRS UMR6218, Orléans, France

Valerie F. J. Quesniaux


Affiliations University of Orléans Molecular Immunology and Embryology, Orléans, France, CNRS UMR6218, Orléans, France

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: NC ORM LON FE VFJQ. Performed the experiments: NC SR MLB SF JKD EFK. Analyzed the data: NC SR JKD EFK LON FE VFJQ. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: SF ORM LON. Wrote the paper: NC FE VFJQ.