About the Authors

Simon Atsbaha Zebelo

Affiliation Plant Physiology Unit, Department of Plant Biology, University of Turin, Innovation Centre, Turin, Italy

Cinzia M. Bertea

Affiliation Plant Physiology Unit, Department of Plant Biology, University of Turin, Innovation Centre, Turin, Italy

Simone Bossi

Affiliation Plant Physiology Unit, Department of Plant Biology, University of Turin, Innovation Centre, Turin, Italy

Andrea Occhipinti

Affiliation Plant Physiology Unit, Department of Plant Biology, University of Turin, Innovation Centre, Turin, Italy

Giorgio Gnavi

Affiliation Plant Physiology Unit, Department of Plant Biology, University of Turin, Innovation Centre, Turin, Italy

Massimo E. Maffei


Affiliation Plant Physiology Unit, Department of Plant Biology, University of Turin, Innovation Centre, Turin, Italy

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: MEM SAZ. Performed the experiments: SAZ CMB SB AO GG. Analyzed the data: MEM SAZ GG. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: MEM. Wrote the paper: MEM SAZ.