About the Authors

Niko Speybroeck

Contributed equally to this work with: Niko Speybroeck, Nicolas Praet


Affiliation Research Institute Health and Society (IRSS), Université Catholique de Louvain la Neuve, Brussels, Belgium

Nicolas Praet

Contributed equally to this work with: Niko Speybroeck, Nicolas Praet

Affiliation Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM), Antwerp, Belgium

Filip Claes

Affiliation Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM), Antwerp, Belgium

Nguyen Van Hong

Affiliation National Institute of Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology (NIMPE), Hanoi, Vietnam

Kathy Torres

Affiliation Institute of Tropical Medicine Alexander von Humboldt, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (IMT-AvH-UPCH), Lima, Peru

Sokny Mao

Affiliation Centre National de Malariologie (CNM), Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Peter Van den Eede

Affiliation Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM), Antwerp, Belgium

Ta Thi Thinh

Affiliation National Institute of Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology (NIMPE), Hanoi, Vietnam

Dioni Gamboa

Affiliations Institute of Tropical Medicine Alexander von Humboldt, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (IMT-AvH-UPCH), Lima, Peru, Departamento de Bioquimica, Biologia Molecular y Farmacologia, Faculyad de Ciencias y Filosofia, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru

Tho Sochantha

Affiliation Centre National de Malariologie (CNM), Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Ngo Duc Thang

Affiliation Centre National de Malariologie (CNM), Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Marc Coosemans

Affiliation Research Institute Health and Society (IRSS), Université Catholique de Louvain la Neuve, Brussels, Belgium

Philippe Büscher

Affiliation Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM), Antwerp, Belgium

Umberto D'Alessandro

Affiliation Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM), Antwerp, Belgium

Dirk Berkvens

Affiliation Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM), Antwerp, Belgium

Annette Erhart

Affiliation Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM), Antwerp, Belgium

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Contributed to the study design, conducted the Latent Class (LC) analysis and wrote the manuscript: NS NP. Contributed in the set up of the ELISA tests, the quality control of the serological data, the LC analysis and reviewed the manuscript: FC. Carried out the serological and molecular analysis of blood samples: NVH KT SM. Contributed to the molecular analysis: PVDE. Contributed to the quality control of the serological data in Vietnam, reviewed the manuscript: TTT. Coordinated the original data collections, respectively in Peru, Cambodia and Vietnam: DG TS NDT. Supervised the data collection and quality control of laboratory results in Cambodia and reviewed the manuscript: MC. Contributed to the set up of the ELISA tests and reviewed the manuscript: PB. Contributed to the study design, data analysis and reviewed the manuscript and contributed to the writing of the final draft of the manuscript: UDA. Contributed to the LC analysis and reviewed the manuscript: DB. Contributed to the original data collection in Vietnam, the set up of the ELISA tests, the quality control of serological data in all sites: AE. Contributed to the design and the LC analysis and reviewed the manuscript: AE.