About the Authors

Jennifer Zanet

Affiliation Laboratoire de Dermatologie Moléculaire, UPRES EA3754, Institut Universitaire de Recherche Clinique, UMI/INSERM, Montpellier, France

Ana Freije

Affiliation Cell Cycle, Stem Cell Decision and Cancer Laboratory, Institute for Training and Research of the Fundación Marqués de Valdecilla (IFMAV-FMDV), Molecular Biology Department of Universidad de Cantabria (UC), Santander, Spain

María Ruiz

Affiliation Cell Cycle, Stem Cell Decision and Cancer Laboratory, Institute for Training and Research of the Fundación Marqués de Valdecilla (IFMAV-FMDV), Molecular Biology Department of Universidad de Cantabria (UC), Santander, Spain

Vincent Coulon

Affiliation Laboratoire de Dermatologie Moléculaire, UPRES EA3754, Institut Universitaire de Recherche Clinique, UMI/INSERM, Montpellier, France

J. Ramón Sanz

Affiliations Cell Cycle, Stem Cell Decision and Cancer Laboratory, Institute for Training and Research of the Fundación Marqués de Valdecilla (IFMAV-FMDV), Molecular Biology Department of Universidad de Cantabria (UC), Santander, Spain, Servicio de Cirugía Plástica, Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla (HUMV), Santander, Spain

Jean Chiesa

Affiliation Unité Fonctionnelle de Cytogénétique Anténatale et Oncologique, CHU Nîmes, Nîmes, France

Alberto Gandarillas


Affiliations Cell Cycle, Stem Cell Decision and Cancer Laboratory, Institute for Training and Research of the Fundación Marqués de Valdecilla (IFMAV-FMDV), Molecular Biology Department of Universidad de Cantabria (UC), Santander, Spain, Laboratoire de Dermatologie Moléculaire, UPRES EA3754, Institut Universitaire de Recherche Clinique, UMI/INSERM, Montpellier, France, Inserm ADR Languedoc - Roussillon, Montpellier, France

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: AG. Performed the experiments: JZ AF MR AG VC JC. Analyzed the data: JZ AG AF JC VC. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: AG JRS. Wrote the paper: AG AF JZ MR. Prepared the manuscript: AG AF JZ.