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  • Turning preference in dogs: North attracts while south repels

    Jana Adámková, Kateřina Benediktová, Jan Svoboda, Luděk Bartoš, Lucie Vynikalová, Petra Nováková, Vlastimil Hart, Michael S. Painter, Hynek Burda

    published 28 Jan 2021

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  • Bats Respond to Very Weak Magnetic Fields

    Lan-Xiang Tian, Yong-Xin Pan, Walter Metzner, Jin-Shuo Zhang, Bing-Fang Zhang

    published 29 Apr 2015

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  • Magnetic Alignment in Carps: Evidence from the Czech Christmas Fish Market

    Vlastimil Hart, Tomáš Kušta, Pavel Němec, Veronika Bláhová, Miloš Ježek, Petra Nováková, Sabine Begall, Jaroslav Červený, Vladimír Hanzal, Erich Pascal Malkemper, Kamil Štípek, Christiane Vole, Hynek Burda

    published 05 Dec 2012

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