Section Editors
PLOS Mental Health Section Editors are experts in the fields of research they serve, experienced in the peer review process, ambassadors for Open Science, and active participants in their communities. They serve as advisors to the journal staff in their corresponding section, working on special issues including policy development and reporting guidelines.
A-B |
Dickens Akena
Micah Allen
Aza AllsopYale School of Medicine |
Sandra BaezUniversidad de Los Andes |
Luke BeardonSheffield Hallam University |
Christian Beste
Michael BreakspearThe University of Newcastle Hunter Medical Research Institute |
Rodrigo BressanUniversidade Federal de Sao Paulo |
C-F |
Thomas Elbert
Joseph El-Khoury
G-K |
Ahmed HankirWestern University |
Sherilee Harper
Mowafa HousehHamad Bin Khalifa University |
Valentina Iemmi
Sarah JonesImperial College London |
Amanda KirbyCardiff University |
L-M |
Enoch LiBearapy |
Boladale Mapayi
Vania MartÃnez
China MillsHealing Justice London |
N-S |
Thirusha Naidu
Charles OgunbodeUniversity of Nottingham |
Sandersan Onie
Soumitra Pathare
Sidarta Ribeiro
Filipa Sampaio
Shekhar Saxena
Lianne SchmaalThe University of Melbourne and Orygen |
Rahul Shidhaye
T-Z |
Ruth van HolstAcademic Medical Center |
Craig WatkinsThe University of Texas at Austin |
Lesley Weaver
Gloria Wong