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PLoS Biology Issue Image | Vol. 3(4) April 2005

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A honeybee (Apis melifera) foraging for nectar.

Honeybees have to navigate through a world containing a bewildering variety of scents in order to identify rewarding flowers. How the honeybee's miniature brain makes sense of the chaos of scents is the subject of recent brain imaging and psychophysical studies (See Guerrieri et al. and the Primer by Chittka and Brockmann)

Image Credit: Photo by Lars Chittka

A honeybee (Apis melifera) foraging for nectar.

Honeybees have to navigate through a world containing a bewildering variety of scents in order to identify rewarding flowers. How the honeybee's miniature brain makes sense of the chaos of scents is the subject of recent brain imaging and psychophysical studies (See Guerrieri et al. and the Primer by Chittka and Brockmann)

Image Credit: Photo by Lars Chittka