Vibrio cholerae ensures function of host proteins required for virulence through consumption of luminal methionine sulfoxide
Fig 4
Infection decreases short chain phospholipids in the intestines of V. cholerae-infected flies.
Lysophospholipids are more abundant in the intestines of ΔgcvT mutant infected flies. (A) Schematic representation of the lipid species discussed in the text. Grey circles represent the polar headgroups, lines represent the fatty acid chains, and surrounding shaded shapes represent the relative space filled by the head group and fatty acid chains of each lipid species. The larger the area of the head group relative to the area filled by fatty acid chains, the greater the propensity to form a highly-curved structure such as a small lipid droplet. (B) Two mechanisms by which small lipid droplets may form a larger lipid droplet are illustrated. Enlargement, shown on the left, results when a large influx of triglycerides must be accommodated. Coalescence results when the supply of phospholipids is inadequate to coat the triglyceride core, and smaller lipid droplets join to minimize exposed surface area. (C-K) LC-MS/MS-based lipidomic analysis of the intestines of flies fed LB alone or inoculated with wild-type V. cholerae (WT) or a ΔgcvT mutant. (C) Triglycerides (TG), (D) Total phosphatidylcholine species with a total of 30 carbons or less in the two fatty acid chains (PC≤30), (E) Individual phosphatidylcholine species with the total number of fatty acid carbons indicated below. (F) Total phosphatidylethanolamine species with a total of 30 carbons or less in the two fatty acid chains (PE≤30) (G) Individual phosphatidylethanolamine species with the total number of fatty acid carbons indicated below. (H) Total lysophosphatidylcholine species. (I) Individual lysophosphatidylcholine species with the total number of fatty acid carbons indicated below. (J) Total lysophosphatidylethanolamine species. (K) Individual lysophosphatidylethanolamine species with the total number of fatty acid carbons indicated below. (L) Putative phospholipase cascade. (M-P) Lipidomic analysis of the intestines of flies infected with wild-type V. cholerae (WT) or a Δacs1 mutant. (M) Total phosphatidylcholine species with fatty acid carbons less than or equal to 30 (PC≤30). (N) Total phosphatidylethanolamine species with fatty acid carbons less than or equal to 30 (PE≤30). (O) Total lysophosphatidylcholine species. (P) Total lysophosphatidylethanolamine species. For pooled data, the mean and SD are shown. Pairwise statistical significance was calculated using a student’s t-test (*p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001).