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Influence of EGFR-activating mutations on sensitivity to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in a KRAS mutant non-small cell lung cancer cell line

Fig 2

Establishment of cell lines harboring the L858R EGFR mutation.

A. Sequence of EGFR target region in each clone. Sanger sequencing was performed after subcloning the PCR-amplified target region into a plasmid vector. Box: L858R mutation (CTG→CCG), underline: sgRNA target regions. B. Summary of the number and type of each sequence. C. The mutation ratio of L858R or deletion (or insertion) was calculated based on the results shown in B. D. The EGFR copy number was determined by quantitative PCR using the diploid cell TIG3 as a control. E. The L858R EGFR copy number was calculated from the mutation ratio of L858R (C) and EGFR copy number (D).

Fig 2
