About the Authors
- Ronald K. Blackman
Affiliation Synta Pharmaceuticals Corp., Lexington, Massachusetts, United States of America
- Kahlin Cheung-Ong
Affiliation Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomedical Research, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- Marinella Gebbia
Affiliation Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomedical Research, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- David A. Proia
Affiliation Synta Pharmaceuticals Corp., Lexington, Massachusetts, United States of America
- Suqin He
Affiliation Synta Pharmaceuticals Corp., Lexington, Massachusetts, United States of America
- Jane Kepros
Affiliation Synta Pharmaceuticals Corp., Lexington, Massachusetts, United States of America
- Aurelie Jonneaux
Affiliation UMR 837 – INSERM, Université de Lille II & CHRU LILLE, Lille, France
- Philippe Marchetti
Affiliation UMR 837 – INSERM, Université de Lille II & CHRU LILLE, Lille, France
- Jerome Kluza
Affiliation UMR 837 – INSERM, Université de Lille II & CHRU LILLE, Lille, France
- Patricia E. Rao
Affiliation Synta Pharmaceuticals Corp., Lexington, Massachusetts, United States of America
- Yumiko Wada
Affiliation Synta Pharmaceuticals Corp., Lexington, Massachusetts, United States of America
- Guri Giaever
Affiliation Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomedical Research, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- Corey Nislow
* E-mail: corey.nislow@utoronto.ca
Affiliation Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomedical Research, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Competing Interests
RKB, DAP, SH, J. Kepros, PER and YW are or were employees of Synta Pharmaceuticals, Corp. Elesclomol is a Synta product. This does not alter the authors' adherence to all the PLoS ONE policies on sharing data and materials. There are no other competing interests to declare.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: CN RKB DAP PM J. Kluza. Performed the experiments: CN MG KC-O RKB DAP SH J. Kepros AJ. Analyzed the data: RKB CN GG DAP PM J. Kluza PER YW. Wrote the paper: RKB CN.