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Ultrasonic Songs of Male Mice

Figure 7

Quantitative Modeling of Syllable Temporal Sequences

(A) A three-state Markov model, where the states correspond to syllables with (“1”) or without (“0”) low jumps, and to a gap of greater than 0.5 s in the sequence. Arrows indicate possible choices for the next state; transition probabilities are calculated from the observed sequence of syllables and gaps.

(B) Observed numbers of the eight distinct three-syllable combinations, and the number expected from two models: “syllable prevalence” picks the next syllable randomly based on the proportion of each type, whereas “transition probability” employs the Markov model diagrammed in (A).

(C) Comparison of transition probabilities to type 1 syllables with the prevalence of type 1 syllables. “Prevalence of 1” is n1/(n0 + n1), where ni is the number of syllables of type i; prevalence of transition g→1 is calculated as ng→1/(ng→0 + ng→1), where nij is the number of observed transitions from state i to state j (g = gap); and prevalence of 1→1 is n1→1/(n0→1 + n1→1). Each point represents the results from a single trial, of 81 qualifying trials (see text).

Figure 7
