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PLoS Medicine Issue Image | Vol. 4(12) December 2007

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World AIDS Day 2007 Issue.

This month's cover image, showing a sign encouraging AIDS testing in a Zambian village, also expresses a more global theme: the need for ongoing awareness of the pandemic's status, as well as the status of research aimed at ending its ravages. In recognition of World AIDS Day (December 1, 2007), this issue of PLoS Medicine includes several papers on HIV diagnosis, prevention, and treatment, including research articles, commentaries, and an editorial.

A study conducted in Côte d'Ivoire (Desgrées-du-Loû, et al. e342) identifies three key junctures at which women participating in a mother-to-child HIV prevention program disclose their HIV status to their partners. A systematic review (Beyrer, et al. e339) concludes that men who have sex with men in the Americas, Asia, and Africa have a markedly greater risk of being HIV-infected than does the general population. Other research articles show that a test commonly used to confirm HIV infection can also be used to calculate how many recent infections have occurred in a population (Schüpbach, et al. e343), and that a mutation in a little-studied structural region of the AIDS virus can cause resistance to several HIV drugs (Tachedjian, et al. e335).

In the magazine section, cytomegalovirus retinitis is described as the neglected disease of the HIV epidemic (Heiden, et al. e334), and a workshop discussing humoral immune responses to HIV and approaches to designing vaccines is reported (Montefiori, et al. e348).

Image Credit: Image by jonrawlinson at (

World AIDS Day 2007 Issue.

This month's cover image, showing a sign encouraging AIDS testing in a Zambian village, also expresses a more global theme: the need for ongoing awareness of the pandemic's status, as well as the status of research aimed at ending its ravages. In recognition of World AIDS Day (December 1, 2007), this issue of PLoS Medicine includes several papers on HIV diagnosis, prevention, and treatment, including research articles, commentaries, and an editorial.

A study conducted in Côte d'Ivoire (Desgrées-du-Loû, et al. e342) identifies three key junctures at which women participating in a mother-to-child HIV prevention program disclose their HIV status to their partners. A systematic review (Beyrer, et al. e339) concludes that men who have sex with men in the Americas, Asia, and Africa have a markedly greater risk of being HIV-infected than does the general population. Other research articles show that a test commonly used to confirm HIV infection can also be used to calculate how many recent infections have occurred in a population (Schüpbach, et al. e343), and that a mutation in a little-studied structural region of the AIDS virus can cause resistance to several HIV drugs (Tachedjian, et al. e335).

In the magazine section, cytomegalovirus retinitis is described as the neglected disease of the HIV epidemic (Heiden, et al. e334), and a workshop discussing humoral immune responses to HIV and approaches to designing vaccines is reported (Montefiori, et al. e348).

Image Credit: Image by jonrawlinson at (