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Showing 1 - 13 of 81

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Burden of non-serious infections during biological use for rheumatoid arthritis

Barbara Bergmans, Naomi Jessurun,  [ ... ], Esther de Vries

Clinical and economic burden of healthcare-associated infections: A prospective cohort study

Kidu Gidey, Meles Tekie Gidey,  [ ... ], Yirga Legesse Niriayo

Point-prevalence survey of antibiotic use at three public referral hospitals in Kenya

Sylvia Omulo, Margaret Oluka,  [ ... ], Ulzii-Orshikh Luvsansharav

Bacterial DNA load in Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia is significantly higher in intravascular infections

An-Emmie Nieman, Wouter Rozemeijer, Paul H. M. Savelkoul, Rogier P. Schade

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