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Aged and induced-premature ovarian failure mouse models affect diestrus profile and ovarian features

Ana Carolina Zucon Bacelar, Nataira Regina Momesso,  [ ... ], Mariza Akemi Matsumoto

Bazedoxifene does not share estrogens effects on IgG sialylation

Priti Gupta, Karin Horkeby,  [ ... ], Cecilia Engdahl

Contributions of gonadal hormones in the sex-specific organization of context fear learning

Lorianna Colón, Eduardo Peru, Damian G. Zuloaga, Andrew M. Poulos

Ovariectomy reduces cholinergic modulation of excitatory synaptic transmission in the rat entorhinal cortex

Ariel A. Batallán Burrowes, Olayemi Joseph Olajide,  [ ... ], C. Andrew Chapman

Lowering of lysophosphatidylcholines in ovariectomized rats by Curcuma comosa

Jetjamnong Sueajai, Nareerat Sutjarit,  [ ... ], Pawinee Piyachaturawat

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