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Correction: Iron application improves yield, economic returns and grain-Fe concentration of mungbean

  • Abdul Majeed,
  • Waqas Ahmed Minhas,
  • Noman Mehboob,
  • Shahid Farooq,
  • Mubshar Hussain,
  • Sardar Alam Cheema,
  • Muhammad Shahid Rizwan
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The sixth author's name is spelled incorrectly. The correct name is: Sardar Alam Cheema. The correct citation is: Majeed A, Minhas WA, Mehboob N, Farooq S, Hussain M, Cheema SA, et al. (2020) Iron application improves yield, economic returns and grain-Fe concentration of mungbean. PLoS ONE 15(3): e0230720.


  1. 1. Majeed A, Minhas WA, Mehboob N, Farooq S, Hussain M, Alam S, et al. (2020) Iron application improves yield, economic returns and grain-Fe concentration of mungbean. PLoS ONE 15(3): e0230720. pmid:32218586