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Correction: Length of stay following cesarean sections: A population based study in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region (North-Eastern Italy), 2005-2015

  • Luca Cegolon,
  • Giuseppe Mastrangelo,
  • Oona M. Campbell,
  • Manuela Giangreco,
  • Salvatore Alberico,
  • Lorenzo Monasta,
  • Luca Ronfani,
  • Fabio Barbone
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The sixth author’s name is spelled incorrectly. The correct name is: Lorenzo Monasta. The correct citation is: Cegolon L, Mastrangelo G, Campbell OM, Giangreco M, Alberico S, Monasta L, et al. (2019) Length of stay following cesarean sections: A population based study in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region (North-Eastern Italy), 2005–2015. PLoS ONE 14(2): e0210753.

In the Study Design subsection of the Methods, there is an error in the final sentence of the paragraph. The correct sentence is: Data analyzed in this study were fully anonymized before being accessed, hence informed consent from patients was waived from the Regional Health Authority of FVG.

In the fourth paragraph of the Results, there is an error in the second sentence. The correct sentence is: The main child size factors associated with higher mean LoS were gestational age less than 29 weeks (5.7 ± 3.1 days), low birthweight (birthweight = 2,000–2,499 g; 5.5 ± 2.2 days), gestation of 33–36 weeks (5.5 ± 2.3 days), birthweight < 2,000 g (5.4 ± 2.6), placenta weighing more than 1Kg (5.3 ± 2.1 days) and gestational age of 29–32 weeks (5.2 ± 2.4 days).

There is a typographical error in the Factors column in Table 4. Please see the correct Table 4 here.

Table 4. Distribution of length of stay (LoS, in days) after cesarean section (CS) by socio demographic and obstetric history factors.

Number (N), percentage (%); mean LoS ± standard deviation (SD); Mis a: missing values on all births; Mis b: missing values considering only CS. Self-e = self-employed.


  1. 1. Cegolon L, Mastrangelo G, Campbell OM, Giangreco M, Alberico S, Montasta L, et al. (2019) Length of stay following cesarean sections: A population based study in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region (North-Eastern Italy), 2005–2015. PLoS ONE 14(2): e0210753. pmid:30811413