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Correction: Preoperative Prediction of Ki-67 Labeling Index By Three-dimensional CT Image Parameters for Differential Diagnosis Of Ground-Glass Opacity (GGO)

  • Mingzheng Peng,
  • Fei Peng,
  • Chengzhong Zhang,
  • Qingguo Wang,
  • Zhao Li,
  • Haiyang Hu,
  • Sida Liu,
  • Binbin Xu,
  • Wenzhuo Zhu,
  • Yudong Han,
  • Qiang Lin
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  1. 1. Peng M, Peng F, Zhang C, Wang Q, Li Z, Hu H, et al. (2015) Preoperative Prediction of Ki-67 Labeling Index By Three-dimensional CT Image Parameters for Differential Diagnosis Of Ground-Glass Opacity (GGO). PLoS ONE 10(6): e0129206. pmid:26061252