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Correction: Is serum level of CC chemokine ligand 18 a biomarker for the prediction of radiation induced lung toxicity (RILT)?

  • Eleni Gkika,
  • Werner Vach,
  • Sonja Adebahr,
  • Tanja Schimek-Jasch,
  • Anton Brenner,
  • Thomas Baptist Brunner,
  • Klaus Kaier,
  • Antje Prasse,
  • Joachim Müller-Quernheim,
  • Anca-Ligia Grosu,
  • Gernot Zissel,
  • Ursula Nestle
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The fourth author’s name is spelled incorrectly. The correct name is: Tanja Schimek-Jasch. The correct citation is as follows: Gkika E, Vach W, Adebahr S, Schimek-Jasch T, Brenner A, Brunner TB, et al. (2017) Is serum level of CC chemokine ligand 18 a biomarker for the prediction of radiation induced lung toxicity (RILT)? PLoS ONE 12(9): e0185350.


  1. 1. Gkika E, Vach W, Adebahr S, Schimeck-Jasch T, Brenner A, Brunner TB, et al. (2017) Is serum level of CC chemokine ligand 18 a biomarker for the prediction of radiation induced lung toxicity (RILT)? PLoS ONE 12(9): e0185350.