About the Authors

Lise Michel

Affiliations Inserm UMR 1163, Paris, France, Paris Descartes—Sorbonne Paris Cité University, Imagine Institute, Paris, France

Aline Huguet-Lachon

Affiliations Inserm UMR 1163, Paris, France, Paris Descartes—Sorbonne Paris Cité University, Imagine Institute, Paris, France

Geneviève Gourdon


Affiliations Inserm UMR 1163, Paris, France, Paris Descartes—Sorbonne Paris Cité University, Imagine Institute, Paris, France

Competing Interests

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Author Contributions

Conceived and designed the experiments: GG. Performed the experiments: LM AHL. Analyzed the data: LM AHL GG. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: GG. Wrote the paper: LM GG.