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Diversity of Flowering Responses in Wild Arabidopsis thaliana Strains

Figure 6

Variation in Responses to Environmental Cues Other than Vernalization

(A–C) Hierarchical clustering identifies groups with different flowering behaviors (see Figure S3 for entire cluster diagram). Green and red indicate earlier and later flowering than the mean, respectively. Gray indicates missing data. Conditions are, from left to right: 16LD, 23LD, 16LDV, 23SD; with six columns each (DTF, juvenile rosette leaf number, adult rosette leaf number, rosette leaf number, cauline leaf number, TLN).

(A) Accessions that cluster with photoperiodic mutants.

(B) Accessions that cluster with mutants of the autonomous pathway.

(C) Accessions that flower late in 16LD.

(D–G) Comparison of specific accessions with laboratory strains Col-0 and Ler.

(D) Accessions that are temperature-insensitive and not delayed in 16LD (black) compared to 23LD (white bars).

(E) Accessions that do not respond to vernalization and flower similarly in 16LD (black) and 16LDV (white).

(F) Accessions that flower late in long days (23LD, black), but not short days (23SD, white). For comparison, the photoperiodic co-1 mutant is included.

(G) Accessions that flower early in short days (23SD, white) compared to long days (23LD, black).

Figure 6
