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Prenatal parental involvement in decision for delivery room management at 22-26 weeks of gestation in France - The EPIPAGE-2 Cohort Study

Cerise Levaillant, Laurence Caeymaex,  [ ... ], on behalf of the EPIPAGE 2 Extreme Prematurity Group

Trends and determinants of perinatal mortality in Bangladesh

Md. Belal Hossain, Sabuj Kanti Mistry, Md Mohsin, Md Hasinur Rahaman Khan

Knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding antibiotic use in Maputo City, Mozambique

Inocêncio Mate, Charlotte Elizabeth Come,  [ ... ], Eduardo Samo Gudo

Otitis media with effusion in children: Cross-frequency correlation in pure tone audiometry

Ann Hiu Ching Chow, Ting Cai, Bradley McPherson, Feng Yang

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