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Hemodynamic Effects of the Non-Peptidic Angiotensin-(1-7) Agonist AVE0991 in Liver Cirrhosis

Sabine Klein, Chandana B. Herath,  [ ... ], Jonel Trebicka

Markers of Collagen Remodeling Detect Clinically Significant Fibrosis in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients

Mette J. Nielsen, Konstantin Kazankov,  [ ... ], Henning Grønbæk

Characterization of Acute and Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Genotypes in Canada

Carla Osiowy, Elizabeth Giles,  [ ... ], Anton Andonov

Mitotic Checkpoint Kinase Mps1 Has a Role in Normal Physiology which Impacts Clinical Utility

Ricardo Martinez, Alessandra Blasina,  [ ... ], Brion W. Murray

Procalcitonin Identifies Cell Injury, Not Bacterial Infection, in Acute Liver Failure

Jody A. Rule, Linda S. Hynan,  [ ... ], Acute Liver Failure Study Group

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