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Showing 326 - 338 of 433

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An Automated Microfluidic Multiplexer for Fast Delivery of C. elegans Populations from Multiwells

Navid Ghorashian, Sertan Kutal Gökçe,  [ ... ], Adela Ben-Yakar

Synapto-Protective Drugs Evaluation in Reconstructed Neuronal Network

Bérangère Deleglise, Benjamin Lassus,  [ ... ], Jean-Michel Peyrin

A Handheld Point-of-Care Genomic Diagnostic System

Frank B. Myers, Richard H. Henrikson, Jennifer Bone, Luke P. Lee

A Microfluidic DNA Library Preparation Platform for Next-Generation Sequencing

Hanyoup Kim, Mais J. Jebrail,  [ ... ], Kamlesh D. Patel

p38 Signaling and Receptor Recycling Events in a Microfluidic Endothelial Cell Adhesion Assay

Dwayne A. L. Vickers, Emma J. Chory, Megan C. Harless, Shashi K. Murthy

Probing the Cytoadherence of Malaria Infected Red Blood Cells under Flow

Xiaofeng Xu, Artem K. Efremov,  [ ... ], Jianshu Cao

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